Hey, Check this out!: Are we in a Cold War with China?

 Tensions do seem to be incredibly high between both the U.S. and China. Politically, economically, and socially there's a current strain on US-Sino relations that's only been exacerbated since Trump's been in office. While this is an issue, I'd argue that this is nowhere near the level of tension and anxiety that would constitute being called a Cold War on the same ballpark as the one we had with Russia. While we disagree and squabble with China over many issues, we still have tons of trade with them, and these economic ties motivate us to work together. Plus, the whole global power dynamic and attitudes are totally different than when there was the cold war. It was totally bipolar, and a fight between the two most powerful countries and their ideologies. China may now be a superpower, but so is Russia and the EU, and India. The conditions surrounding the tensions between China and the U.S. are so fundamentally different that it barely even compares to that of the U.S. and Russia in the Cold War. While we are antagonistic towards China, neither country would actually benefit from the other's downfall (actually quite the opposite) due to how interlinked our economies are with both each other and each other's allies. This is totally different than Russian - American motivations, which were totally focused on one-upping and sabotaging each other. I think that the continued deliberate antagonism of Trump and his appointees towards China is mainly nationalistic and a reflection of their heavily Realist leaning global perspective. I'd say that it seems like the posturing against other countries internationally is an attempt to build domestic legitimacy with his following. Overall, I do not think, at all, not even a little bit, that we are currently in a real cold war with China. I also think that we probably are not going to be, especially not with Joe Biden coming into office. I think that the most likely outcome in the next few years is that we will disagree with a lot of China's actions, but that we will rebuild our relationship with the Chinese. 


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