Galtung’s Model
Adrián Pérez
Me. Roddy
January 29th, 2020
Galtung’s Triangle Blog
Gaultung’s Triangle is an amazing way to analyze a conflict situation. The majority of the situations are violent based and sometimes the conflict never resolved keeping the triangle never ending. It starts off with contradiction, leading to behavior and finally Attitudes/Assumptions. In the middle we have the Latent And the Manifest Levels. For my analysis of a situation, I chose the conflict between Mexico and The United States about immigrants.
For Contradiction, I was able to research some information for that. President Trump had restricted immigration on multiple fronts. Which incited controversy and legal challenges. Most of the immigrants in the country try to apply for asylum but are turned away and forced back into their own countries. This is very significant for mexico, but this has also happened in many latin american countries such as honduras. The United States closed their borders to Honduras, even though immigrants make up a large percentage of the U.S population. Contradiction of Galtung's triangle as a dispute over territory, having the president kick out a large majority of his population is a huge dispute for both states involved.
For Behaviour, this is defined on the triangle as a violence or genocide. President Trump under his reign decided it would be a good idea to tighten border security. With this, in 2018, a zero tolerance policy was implemented which allowed for all immigrants caught to be arrested and prosecuted immediately. Now it is not mentioned in the articles i’ve read about immigration, but a large portion of the people arrested say officers used excessive force when it came to them making arrests. Overall the behavior of our governments and of the way our people have been acting towards the latin american countries have been very extreme and overall rude.
Finally for the last part of the triangle, Additude/Assumptions. The horrible part of being a person from a latin country, is the hatred you will receive from people. A good part of people in the us who are from latin origin have experienced discrimination and discmirinatiory acts. As I've mentioned about asylum, and the zero tolerance policy, many of the kids caught with their parents are most of the time separated from their families and forced to live on their own, not seeing their families for what could be months. That will stay in the minds of the children for years to come.
Galtung's Triangle is a great way for showing conflict analysis. Through the three pound of the triangle, we are able to see how it evolves. The conflict between America and Mexico about their immigration laws is a great example to show how the triangle works.
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