Trump Voters
Izabella Curtis
Mr. Zhou
11 December 2020
Trump Voters
Donald Trump: multi-millionaire, business owner, and the 45th president of the United States. Not the first time America had a president that had no political experience but one of the first obnoxious, egotistical, condescending, openly racist, sexist, and yet somehow won the hearts of so many Americans. I read an article about the voters in both elections, and let me tell you I was really surprised about the diverse group of voters Trump accumulated in the 2020 election. Historically, Trump's voters consisted of white (usually) men in the middle/higher class citizens. The article switches to talking more specifically about gender. Trump’s votes in 2016 were around nine percent margin of white women, then in the 2020 election the margin increased by four percent, I know this increase doesn't sound like a big deal but it ends up being a pretty significant number. Not only did female trump voters grow larger but Latino, African American, and many more minority groups percentages rose as well. This is extremely shocking because of Trump's reputation with each minority group as well as their gender. After reading this article I decided to do further research and came across a picture of the candidate's percent average. Trump's percent average in every category (gender and minority) all increased except a -1% decrease in the white male category.
Now the issue is why? Why did Trump have an increase in these voters? Ethnic groups are beginning to feel that because they have been voting as a democratic since they were able to they realized that there is no minimal return in terms of economic wealth and closing the wealth gap, job creation, and job opportunities. The other issue is that Joe Biden was not an inspiring candidate for the democratic party. We see this in multiple ways, through propaganda and media exposure. Biden is seen as forgetful, slow, too old, ext. My only issue with this is being old so wrong? Is it worse than promoting white supremacy? racism and sexism ideology? Personally, I wasn't a fan of Biden but I wouldn't imagine voting for Trump. I couldn't do that as a feminist or as an activist.
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