Hey! Check this out: Chile Drafting a New Constitution - JM

 John Mazziotti

Mr. Zhou


December 11th, 2020

Chile Embarks on Drafting New Constitution

In late October, 2020, Chile began to write a new constitution. The decision to create a new constitution was fueled by the want for better education, pensions, and healthcare. The vote session to change the constitution was won by a large amount of votes in favor of changing it. This also was the largest voter turnout since voting became voluntary in 2012. This revision of the constitution changed the fundamental foundation of the previous dictatorship’s constitution which was led by Augusto Pinochet. Although the want for a new constitution is outstanding and outperformed the previous voting statistics, the process still has to be approved by a convention of elected citizens.

The opposition for this constitution or what it may result in consist of those in favor of Chile’s most profitable and popular industry, copper. Essentially, the individuals who oppose this want to make sure that the free markets, property ownership, and independence from centralized banks, will stay the same. But the bigger subject that the opposers are thinking of is mining regulations. In a nutshell, they want their mining regulations to stay the same and not get tightened, as to not affect their number one export’s industry. The result of this constitution being proposed and having a very successful voting period resulted in the drop of Chile’s peso and some small scale riots, but on the positive side, a seemingly nationwide celebration.  

From what I can understand, as long as both parties remain in agreement with their wants through the process of implementing this constitution, there will be a very high chance of success from this point on in Chile. Additionally, in accordance to our most previous lesson, there will be virtually no conflict if this plan comes to fruition. Finally, Chile as a country will remain on its path of keeping the peace inside of itself.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-chile-constitution-idUSKBN27B1WP


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