Human Rights: Child Slavery in LRA (Anna Theriot)


        An example of a violation of human rights is Child Slavery within the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Human rights are the basic rights that every human on this earth is entitled to no matter their gender, age, race, or social class. Child Slavery is an example of a violation of the freedom from torture. 

The Lord’s Resistance Army was created about twenty years ago and is lead by Joseph Kony. It justifies its horrifying violence by its cultic ideology that states that anyone outside of the LRA is impure and deserves nothing short of death and that severe punishments are the standard for any disloyalty or indiscipline. In the 1990s, the Lord’s Resistance Army is 95% abducted children, the other 5% being senior officers. The LRAs leaders decided that the policy of forced recruitment of children was the best way to grow their following. The children are abducted and then beaten until they submit. The girls are used as cooks, porters, and sexual slaves. The boys are used as fighters and spies. For the poor children that disobey or try to escape, they are killed or severely wounded. 

The LRA has also committed many other violations of the freedom from torture including, but not limited to, sexual violence to children, attacks on schools/hospitals, abduction of children, and denial of humanitarian access for children. Child slavery in the LRA is horrifying, and should be a thing that everyone hears about, but alas is not covered by the media. It’s strange isn’t it, that the media covers the police brutality here, but doesn’t tell us about the children abductions in the LRA. 



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