Hey, Check This Out! Blog: Armenia and Azerbaijan Conflict

Armenia and Azerbaijan Conflict: 


The states of Armenia and Azerbaijan lie on the borders of Russia, Iran, Georgia, and Turkey. The two have been fighting over a disputed area of land called Nagorno-Karabakh that is placed in between their countries that is roughly the size of Delaware. The area is recognized internationally by Azerbaijan, however the majority of people that live there are Armenian. This area of land has long been disputed, and the last conflict in 1994 ended with the deaths of approximately 30,000 people. However, recently the fighting has erupted again leaving both states vulnerable to attack again. On September 27th of this year bombing began in the region, and the 10 days afterwards have been very violent in the region to the point where people are calling it the "Second Nagorno-Karabakh War." The surrounding regions are also taking sides in this, with Turkey fully backing Azerbaijan, and there is a fear that Russia could get involved as well. Armenia at the moment is fearful that Azerbaijan will try to take over the entirety of their country if the fighting escalates in a worse case scenario.

Origins of the Conflict: 

The origins of this conflict begin in 1921 with Joseph Stalin being known as the incitor. He gave Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan causing tensions to rise because the majority of the Armenians living in the area were Christian and they were handed over to the Muslim state of Azerbaijan. All was calm after that, until the Soviet Union began to dissolve in the 1980's and Nagorno-Karabakh passed legislation and declared itself part of Armenia. The resulting conflict resulted in no change in the ownership of the area, and created the ceasefire that has stayed in place until recently. 

Current Conflict: 

The current conflict began back in mid- July when Armenian officers killed Azerbaijan officials. Turkey got involved afterwards, and has played a key role in the conflict. There are three reasons why the got involved: "they've always been a major supporter of Azerbaijan and an enemy of Armenia, Azerbaijan has become a major gas exporter to Turkey, and Turkey wants to play a greater role in the region, even if that comes at the expense of Russia."


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