Foreign Criminal Networks - Andreas

 Andreas Cantu 

October 10 

 Foreign Criminal Networks 

A few days ago over 2,000 classified documents regarding over 2 trillion dollars in bank transactions were leaked to the public, revealing how blanks have allowed criminals to move laundered money through the world. These files also exposed how Russian Oligarchs managed to get past certain sanctions and get their money to the west. These files are also known as the FinCen files were mostly being sent to US authorities through 2000 - 2017. Banks use them to report suspicious activities however, they are not proof of any illegal actions. These files were originally leaked to Buzzfeed News and an investigative journalist group that later distributed them to over 100 news organizations and over 80 countries. FinCEN stands for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and they are the people that combat financial crimes. Any and all concerns regarding financial transactions in the US Dollars have to go through them however, this does not mean that the concerns get stopped. The files revealed that profits from, drug wars, fortunes embezzled from developing countries, and money lost to Ponzi schemes were able to flow in and out of the banks despite warning from the employees. There have been multiple leaks similar to this one over the past few years however, this one stands out because it deals with multiple banks all around the world and consequently more money. Some big names from this leak were banks such as JP Morgan who allowed a company to move over a billion dollars through a London account without knowing who it belonged too. Deutsch Bank moved laundered money for terrorists, organized crimes, and drug traffickers and that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

A big issue preventing the crackdown on these banks by the FinCEN is the current president's administration. They have made it very hard to hold the top executives personally responsible for the crimes. Another interesting discovery was, that even after banks were prosecuted and fined for their financial misconduct they continued to conduct business with possible criminals. These files have, without trying, revealed the truth of the modern baking era: These channels of dirty money, have become major arteries of the global economy (BuzzFeed.)   



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