California's Zero-Emission Vehicles by 2035 (California)

Governor of California, Gavin Newson, proposed that all vehicles sold in the state would be emission free by 2035. California is allowed more independence over how it regulates air quality and auto-emissions since historically, it has produced significantly more emissions than most states and has had to manage their air quality since before the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) was established. California has benefited from this since they use generally stricter rules which have resulted in lower rates of childhood asthma and limits on sales of emitting vehicles among other things. Most of California’s waivers to reform air quality have been approved by the federal government, but they have faced some opposition from Trump who states that it’s only appropriate for the EPA to regulate air quality and auto emissions across the states. 

While California has been trying to limit auto emissions by encouraging the sales of electric cars and limiting purchases on high emission vehicles, their regulations are restricted within the state. So customers can still buy a car from another state and bring it back to California to use. Since California is still pushing dealerships to offer more sustainable options, they’re hoping that at least taking those small steps will help. In order to get more drivers to choose electric cars, California has been implementing more accessible charging stations called fast chargers so that electric vehicle drivers can drive longer distances without having to worry about running low. Since most urban residents don’t own their homes and can’t install their own charging stations, fast chargers would encourage more drivers to choose electric cars. 



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