California EV Only Mandate - Hey Check This Out!

 John Mazziotti

Mr. Zhou


October 8th, 2020

California’s Electric Car Only Policy by 2035

Earlier this month, the governor of California Gavin Newson signed an order saying that California would only sell zero emission cars from the state by 2035. Although it is seen as a very strict maneuver in order to reduce emissions in the state of California, it’s not what most people think. The order doesn’t mean that you can’t drive combustion vehicles in California, it just means that you can’t buy them there(loophole #1). Another loophole into this ordinance is borders. Brian Maas of the California New Car Dealers Association says that "If I can just drive to Tahoe, cross the border and buy the truck or SUV that I want, the mandate that the governor's asking to develop isn't going to be very effective"(CNN). Maas says that when this bill is passed it actually might not be that effective towards people who don’t want to succumb to the bill’s requirements.

Next, this state is able to do this because they have adopted their own environmental policy, which has been scrutinized by the Trump administration. The current administration in office thinks that only the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has the ability to regulate emission restrictions in the US. Essentially, if Trump were to win the November 2020 election, this plan could only be put into play if the State of California were to go up against the Federal Government in court. However, The statistics for California say that the percentage of EV sales in the state, by the time of this bill’s posting, will sky rocket 61%. In this case, the bill seems like it has a good potential to work effectively. Overall, I think that this is definitely a creative idea in order to reduce the amount of carbon emissions in the US, and I think it will not only benefit the electric vehicle industry, but the health and well being of California residents.



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