tyler blog- gultang
Using the Galtung conflict model, I want to analyze the January 6th Insurrection of the Capital. The Galtung model is shaped as a triangle and has three vertices - Behavior (what you saw), Attitudes (Why it happened) and Context (How it happened). I want to first talk about the Attitudes and basically why I think it happened. Over the past many years, probably more than I have lived, there has been an increasing level of distrust of our federal government. Because of this, Donald Trump used this distrust as a platform to get elected in 2016. In fact, during the 2016 election, Trump used sayings like “drain the swamp,” “crooked Hillary,” and MAGA “Make America Great Again” to further remind voters of the distrust of government and its officials. In addition, the racial mix of the US population is changing. The white population is declining while minorities are increasing. Additionally, the use of social media has increased where misinformation a...