
tyler blog- gultang

Using the Galtung conflict model, I want to analyze the January 6th Insurrection of the Capital.  The Galtung model is shaped as a triangle and has three vertices - Behavior (what you saw), Attitudes (Why it happened) and Context (How it happened).   I want to first talk about the Attitudes and basically why I think it happened.  Over the past many years, probably more than I have lived, there has been an increasing level of distrust of our federal government.  Because of this, Donald Trump used this distrust as a platform to get elected in 2016. In fact, during the 2016 election, Trump used sayings like “drain the swamp,” “crooked Hillary,” and MAGA “Make America Great Again” to further remind voters of the distrust of government and its officials.   In addition, the racial mix of the US population is changing. The white population is declining while minorities are increasing.  Additionally, the use of social media has increased where misinformation a...

The Galtung Triangle - BLM Protests

  The Galtung Triangle - BLM Protests Over the summer, much of white America was shocked at the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests that were taking place in America’s major cities, and even America’s smaller cities. A lot of articles and blog posts were written about why the protests were happening in order to give Americans more ignorant of their history and understanding of the anger among the Black community. Analyzing the conflict through the Galtung Triangle is a good way to understand its roots.  The primary contradiction behind the BLM protests is the inequality in wealth between white Americans and Black Americans. The racial wealth gap is close to the highest it has ever been. This is a result of America’s history and its systematic oppression of African-Americans. During America’s founding, Africans were brought across the ocean by the slave trade and were then enslaved in Southern cotton plantations and other farms. They were brutally treated there, and slav...

Galtung's Triangle: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Fabrício Guerra

 Fabrício Guerra Mr. Zhou GPHC 13 February 2021 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict      Today the Middle East is often portrayed as a mess ruled by three main superpowers: Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. All of the instability of the area is mostly due to the world power's partitioning of the area after World War II, when decolonization was encouraged. They failed to make borders so that they were in accordance with cultural groups, and this led to governments having minorities, which always leads to instability. One of these more famous examples is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, which began in 1947 as part of the United Nation's Resolution 181 which divided the British Mandate of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. In 1948, the State of Israel was created and this created the First Israeli-Palestinian War. The war ended in 1949 as a victory for Israel, but there ended up being over 750,000 displaces Palestinians, and so the territory was divided into three parts, Th...

Galtung Triangle - Boko Haram

Boko Haram is one of the largest Islamist militant group in Africa and has been a significant source of conflict in Nigeria since 2011. The Council on Foreign Relations estimates more than 37, 500 people were killed, 2.5 million displaced in the Lake Chad Basin and nearly 244,000 nigerian refugees as a result of the Boko-Haram-led terrorist attacks and kidnappings. The source of Nigeria’s corruption and injustice was the contradiction that led to this conflict. Boko Haram holds the ideological belief that Western influences are at fault for the corruption and wealth disparity. Boko Haram sought to instead impose the islamic law, sharia. The name Boko Haram literally means “Westernization is sacrilege” in Hausa. When this Islamist militant group first emerged its operations consisted of relatively peaceful protests but a violent encounter with the police force in 2009 killled their leader Muhammed Yusuf, inciting rage and radicalization. In response to the police force’s alleged excessi...

Galtung's Triangle: Ukraine and Russia Conflict - Protests and Annexation of Crimea

John Mazziotti Mr. Zhou GPHC February 3rd, 2021 Ukraine and Russia: Annexation of Crimea Conflict With Galtung’s Triangle In 2013 and 2014, Ukraine and Russia had a conflict that was sparked by a dispute over economic reform. The Ukrainian president at the time, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected an economic deal with the European Union. This, in-turn, sparked protests in the Ukranian Capital of Kiev. The state security forces of Ukraine engaged violently with the protesters involved, which sparked even more wide-spread protests in Ukraine. Feeling the effects of the backlash of the - then intrastate - conflict, President Yanukovych fled to Russia in early 2014. Even this first stage of the entire conflict can be analyzed using Galtung’s triangle. First - before Russian involvement - , the contradiction. The contradiction rests in dispute over Ukraine’s economic reform with the European Union and NATO. Since Ukraine chose Eastern influence over Western influence, this sparked protests. Uk...

Galtung's Triangle Model: Instability in Egypt - Sarah Seeliger

 Instability in Egypt  Recently, Egypt has been facing a lot of instability. Some of this instability has been caused by a group called Wilayat Sinai. This is a terrorist group that surfaced from the Sinai Peninsula after President Hosni Bubarak was overthrown in 2011. Wilayat Sinai declared allegiance with the Islamic State in 2014. They have since been responsible for several attacks in religious buildings that have killed numerous people. Some of these attacks include an attack on a Mosque in November of 2017 that killed at least 100 people as well as  two attacks on Coptic churches in April of 2017.  In February of 2018, Abdel Fata al-Sisi, the president of Egypt, ordered the Egyptian military to defeat Wilayat Sinai, and the military announced widespread counterterrorism measures in both the Sinai Peninsula and parts of the Nile Delta and Western Desert.  These operations included destruction of homes, commercial buildings, and farms. These operations have ...

Galtung's Triangle: ACT UP

     A modern example of the Galtung's Triangle I wanted to explore was the ACT UP organization. In case you are unfamiliar with ACT UP, it stands for AIDS C oalition to Unleash Power. They are an activist group on a mission to stop the AIDS pandemic. Within this organization, they would host protests, fundraisers, teach proper sex education, and even learn more about HIV/AIDS treatment to teach patients about their medications. This organization was formed because they felt that this issue was not getting proper attention.      When choosing between Latent and Manifest analysis level, I struggled with this because the AIDS/HIV pandemic could be considered both. Manifest, because of the lack of funding, representation, and research, caused thousands of deaths. If people in higher potions (politicians, authors, so forth) gave this issue the proper attention, millions of people wouldn't have died and suffered for the years the US knew about it. However, thi...